In a previous blog post, we touched on our approach to creating the next generation of supplements by drastically increasing the body’s absorption of naturally occurring, bioactive ingredients.
At this point in time, we realise you’re probably more than just a little curious about what these ingredients are. So, here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll find in our supplements:
Exercise Support
Key bioactive ingredient: 20-Hydroxyecdysone, which is a type of steroid found naturally in green leafy vegetables such as spinach. It’s been well-recognised for its roles in increasing protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and lowering of fat deposition and cholesterol (among a wide range of other health benefits).
Natural SARM Alternative
Key bioactive ingredient: Turkesterone, which is a naturally occurring steroid found in insects and plants, such as Ajuga turkestanica, an herbaceous flowering plant native to Central Asia. With proven effects on muscle synthesis, it represents a great option for people looking to build bulk without synthetic steroids.
Muscular Support
Key bioactive ingredient: Epicatechin, which belongs to a class of natural compounds called flavanols that are found in cacao beans and green tea. Epicatechin plays a key role in maintaining the muscle we have through its ability to inhibit myostatin – a compound that reduces the body’s ability to grow muscle as we age.
Metabolic Support
Key bioactive ingredient: Capsiate, which is derived from chili peppers and is renowned for its ability to boost metabolism and increase fat burning mechanisms. The Metabolic Support Supplement also contains synephrine – found in bitter oranges – to enhance metabolism further and suppress appetite.
Menopausal Metabolic Support
Key bioactive ingredient: Ecdysterone, which is a type of sterol found naturally in plant-based foods, such as quinoa. Clinically proven to support women through the metabolic challenges faced during menopause.
Endocannabinoid Support
Key bioactive ingredient: Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP), which is a type of cannabinoid found in everyday foods, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices. Like traditional CBD oils, BCP works on systems in the body that control mood, pain and rest, but doesn’t give you a “high” or require a doctor’s script.
If you have any questions or need any more information about the natural ingredients found in our supplements, please get in touch with us via email at
Happy Health!
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